Wednesday, January 16, 2013

For My RYC Sisters And Brothers "Investing In Your Mind"

Today is a day unlike any other day in my life. And because of it I want to share it with you. When I sit here and I ask myself why is it that things seem to go so right but yet turn out so wrong. And as I began to sit and think on things it reminded me that no matter what no one feels what we feels or think what we think, nobody sees what is really going on inside of us. So we tend to come among those we know or love to converse hoping they feel or see where we coming from but no, it is inside of us, shared only with the Creator. We want others to fix the way we feel or seem to be. We keep telling ourselves "I hope I can shake back from this or I hope I can get my life back on track". This my brothers and sisters , is why it is so important to keep the Words of the Creator within our minds, when our minds are in its greatest battles.
  Psalm 119 , the longest and most important chapters in the Holy Bible. Psalm 91, "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty". And Psalm 37 , these chapters will wash your mind, and renew your mind, and your minds will submit to the presents of the Creator. And you will feel a sense of peace that is unexplainable. This is to my brothers and sisters. The secret of strength is not determination but the absorption of the word of the Creator. Daniel said he spoke and I was strengthened. My sisters who are having problems understanding something you been use to going through for years but yet you still don't understand it or why. Recognition is something you must never forget. Something you are not seeing is hurting you, something you don't know about is close to you. But why ? The Creator wants to give us the things we ask of Him, he wants to give you what you ask, but we are too blind to recognize it. Everything you're wanting  is close to you just awaiting your recognition. Many women are wonderful at loving and supporting their men. But absence in recognition. Does a fine job at getting a man and treating him as the King he is not. But doesn't have a clue at picking the king from the knight.
 You are such in need of someone who is comfortable with your weakness , but  knowledgeable of your differences that want to draw into you and not draw everything in you out from you so that there is nothing left but a you even you don't know anymore.
 My beautiful sisters you are great Mentors for we men, no matter what you hear us say or see us do that makes you think otherwise. One must recognize who he/she is in order to exist in their own world. So tell me, what is it you not seeing, today ask yourself, what is it in your son that you don't see. What is it in your daughter you don't see ? What is it in your husband or boyfriend you don't see ? What is it in your marriage or relationship that you don't see ? What is it that you are or have been ignoring in your daughter or son ? What !!! There is something hidden in your mother that you don't see, or in your marriage that you don't see. Please remember The Creator always hide something unique in someone you don't enjoy. So that only the most passionate can tell the difference. Sisters there is something you are not seeing.
 There is what I call the law of 2 "Two". Lol, notice how Satan never showed up in the garden till Eve did. Because 2 is necessary for multiplication . One can not multiply !  Matthew 18:18-19 states that where two of you shall agree as to touching anything that you shall ask it shall be done FOR THEM of our Father which is in heaven. So very important. Satan's greatest fear is relationship. Because where one falls the other one can lift him/her up. Notice Yahshua "Jesus" sent them out 2/2 . Eve in the Ark , male and female. The Bible gave us a fascinating fact. That 1 can put a 1,000 to flight, but 2 can put 10,000 to flight. So powerful. Satan's fear is the prayer request of two or more agreeing in silence keeping the devil off the three way with you and the Father. The Father says when we come to Him for anything , come in secret and when we ask, ask in secret. He don't do the three-way. So why include Satan in on you and the Fathers business. Use your mind sisters and brothers. The one part of you that can't be taken away from you or be replaced but still only shared by you and the Father only is the mind.
  There is a person that the Creator wants to put close to us. It may be a Boaz that sees Ruth in the field. It may be like the Samaritan woman who had one conversation with Yahshua "Jesus"  and had a whole different picture of her future. There is somebody seeing in you what you have not. The difference between seasons in your life is not years , it is a person. The difference in these seasons is who likes you. All Michelle Obama needed for her to later become the first African American Lady in the White House was one man liking her. All Rebecca from the bible needed to be and even mentioned in it was one man liking her. The difference in being Poor and Rich is a person. Nothing more or less. Because the money isn't real anyway. If when you lay down at night and you miss your special someone then you are one person away from being special too.
 Another thing I want you to know is the Law of Place, as I call it. Our father made places before He did people. Even Yahshua "Jesus" didn't do well in all places. That's why he had to leave his hometown and go perform miracles in other towns and cities. We don't belong everywhere, We belong Somewhere. Everything our Father created solves a problem, even the drinking glass solves a problem, everything ! The eyes see, the ears hear, the mouth speaks, the tongue taste, lol. Well I am sure some of my sisters are glad we have some of the problem solvers we men have just as we are of yours. But the fact remains that everything is to solve a problem. Attorneys solve legal problems, are at least are suppose to. Preachers are suppose to solve spiritual problems as they say, but me I let the Creator solve my spiritual problems because He is 1st class in all He has and every will do. My life is too short for mistakes in that area, so I deal with the best in that area Only.
 I want my sisters to understand this, and remember this. Everything created , contains an invisible instruction given by the Father. A seed planted in you by a man don't look around in your stomach and say to the liver well what you think I should do, what you think I should become. lol. It contains an invisible instruction. We don't assign our own assignment in life. We discover it. In the book of Jeremiah 1:5-6, it tells us that The Father gave assignments while we was in our mothers womb, such a wonderful thing. And for some reason our assignments are always through a person or a group of people. How do I know who I have love for  inside ? Well, easy, who's pain do I feel, who's tears affect me. Who's enemies I am willing and ready to confront. So easy to see. Who am I willing to protect. Where you are matters just as well as who you are. You can be the right person like Jonah in the wrong place in Whale of Horrors.  Or like the Samaritan woman with 5 husband but in the right place at the right time.
In the bible our Father always discussed a place to be, always. We need to know our place in this life. I am not a holy ghost filled and no sins upon me type of guy. But the Father gave me a gift and I uses it for Him only. If he ask me to say or do something I do it. His Son, instructed his disciples that when you go into a home test and see if it qualifies for you and your blessings. And He said if the family or that house does not honor you, take the blessings of you out from that house and go where you will be celebrated and not tolerated. So my sister if a man don't deserve you and respect you don't give him your blessings. Move on ! This is real talk my sisters you all are blessings for a real man. So what if a man talks down on you or about you or another sister does the same. I know this for a fact, if you take a fish out the water and look at it, you will see it can't walk , can't talk, can't climb, can't even hear or even fly. But drop it back in the water and where it belongs in its place where the Father wants it to be and no one can compete. My sisters when you are in the place where the Father wants you to be , NO ONE CAN COMPETE with you. NO ONE !!!!!
 Never lose focus of who , what, and where you are. You are nothing less than Queens in a world of very few  Kings. It is not your fault that we don't step up, but please my sisters don't step down with us. We need you to hold on and stay strong because we seem to be too weak to know the difference. And we need you to bring us back to that Place where the Father wants us to be. I am going to leave this up here for my sisters to read because this is a message from The Creator given to you by me. May each of you ask your friends to join and read and understand and come share what you feel about this with the world and lets get back to our places in life.

  May all of us continue to Honor the Father "Yahweh" and His Son "Yahshua"
  These names of which are Their names in Hebrew.

Written by: Twine
Founder & C.E.O. of Represent Your City Inc

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